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Updated: 1/24/10

Tsunami History

August 1979
The concept and agreement was reached between Bruce Boland and John R. Sandberg during the Red Baron Speed Record Run at Tonopah, Nevada.
Actual construction began on Tsunami.
Construction progresses through various stages. Engineering changes abound. Virtually all of the individual components were manufactured by Bruce Boland and Ray Poe in Sun Valley, California.
May 1986
The parts for Tsunami were moved to Fighter Rebuilders in Chino, California, for final assembly and testing. The Fighter Rebuilders Support team worked around the clock in order to get Tsunami ready for the 1986 Reno Air Races.

During this time the support team of J.R.S. Enterprises (owned by John R. Sandberg) was hard at work to achieve that special engine for Tsunami. The models and modifications of the engine were test flown in a N100DD P-51 Mustang. N100DD raced in the eighties under the name of Tipsy Too. She was then sold to Gary Levitz who raced under the name Miss Ashley. Miss Ashley was the testing ground for all of the engines until she was sold in 1992. The test stage began with a single stage Merlin. As it was unable to achieve sufficient power, it was decided to change to a 2 stage Merlin in 1984 with continued development.

The final design consisted of:

  • 7 Main Core and Blower
  • 500 Reduction Gear Assembly
  • 724 Head & Banks
  • Blower Turned Upside Down (in order to provide down draft)
  • Carburetor Inductions
  • Special Oiling and Cooling Provisions
  • Special A.D.I. Controls

The engine then was capable of 3600 H.P. on gasoline cocktails.

August 17, 1986
The FIRST FLIGHT TEST commenced. The aircraft was found to be aerodynamically tail heavy. Modifications commenced. A flight test program continues heavily in order to bring Tsunami to Reno in 1986. Within the 3 weeks test program speeds were pushed to over 500 M.P.H.
September 1986
Tsunami joins the other “Heavy Metals” at the Reno Air Races.
Reno 1986
Tsunami experiences electrical problems. I/E Generator. In Sunday’s Gold Race electrical power fails and A.D.I. flow stops. Engine detonates and Tsunami has to land.
Development continues. Electrical problems resolved. Intermittent oil heating problems rear their head.
July/August 1987
Tsunami makes its first public appearance since Reno 1986 at Oshkosh. All systems are go with no problems. While at the Oshkosh Air Show, Tsunami was entered into the Homebuilt judging competition. Tsunami was proud to fly back to Chino, CA, after being selected for the Homebuilt Custom award.
September 1987
Tsunami qualifies at 465 M.P.H. Very fast with lots left. Oil heating again shows up. On Saturday’s race while running a close 3rd, Steve Hinton pulls out for a precautionary landing due to high oil temperature. The right landing gear collapses shortly after touchdown. Substantial damage resulted to a complete rebuild in Crystal, MN.
Tsunami was rebuilt in Minneapolis, MN, with extensive re-design and rework.
After numerous modifications, Tsunami arrived at the Reno Air Races.
Race Week 1988
Tsunami qualified with a race speed of 470.899. (3.73 seconds behind the top qualifier Rare Bear). In Saturday’s heat race, Tsunami showed the world what she was made of by winning the heat with speeds of 462.218 M.P.H. This was a new race speed record for Reno. In Sunday’s race we place third behind Rare Bear and Dreadnought.
Tsunami was back in Chino, California getting ready for the World Speed Record attempt in September of 1989.
June 1989
In June of 1989 Speed, Props & Pylons (SPP) had the opportunity to interview John R. Sandberg (JRS) in regards to the speed record attempt:
Why did you decide to go for the speed record?
I have been dreaming of this for years, all my life. I guess you would say it has been a “Vision”. Also, I want the public to acknowledge that “YES” a private individual, with a small group of dedicated people, can build such an airplane with limited funds and make such a “Dream come True”. The other item I would like for the public to note is that a private pilot (which is my current rating) coupled with my age factor (57 years old) can still achieve those “VISIONS” which mean so much.
Now that you have made your decision that you are going for the Speed Record, what are the next steps you must do to accomplish this?

The first step is to scope out the location that meets all of the FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale) regulations, as well as, several of “Mother Natures” factors i.e.: best weather, winds, humidity, etc.

The next step is you make an application to the FAI for a certain time period that does close out anyone else in the world for those three months in this classification.

After you receive your application, you then finalize the deal with the city that you will be doing the speed record near.

You must obtain an FAA Low Waiver authorization for this time period and location that has been approved.

For your own personal information to make your “BEST” time frame decision you will want the best weather information, wind information, humidity information etc.

And then last, you need timing people and the local Fire Department involved. I will also have 4 parked airplanes at each end of the course making sure I stay within the parameters as well as a helicopter for the safety measures.

Approximately how much money is involved?
Approximately $50,000 – 75,000 to do the Speed Record.

Tsunami receives additional modifications:

  1. The tail has been changed to achieve a little less sensitivity.
  2. Manual overrides have been installed on all of the systems.
  3. New totally electronic ignition system, which allows:
    • More precise and complete ignition control
    • Programmable safeguard limits
  4. Slight changes to cooling system.
August/September 1989
Tsunami and John R. Sandberg arrive at Wendover, UT, for the 3 km Speed Record attempt.
September 5, 1989
The first test flight for Tsunami/JRS on the course went great. The speeds were in excess of over 500 M.P.H. There was however a slight water leak on Tsunami that needed to be repaired prior to Wednesday’s attempt.
September 6, 1989
Wednesday morning JRS started Tsunami and took off, but it was short lived. Something did not feel right. A slight minor problem had shown up that was taken care of immediately. One hour later Tsunami and JRS took off again. The attempt was on. Two runs were made when Steve Hinton radioed JRS stating “Abort the attempt. Possible oil breathing problems.” Two cracked pistons definitely were a problem. The crew worked all night to change the two cracked pistons.
September 7, 1989

Thursday Tsunami and JRS started up and rolled out for take off. He aborted two take offs and taxied back into the crew area. JRS smelled gas in the cockpit. Gas had gotten into the ADI.

It was decided to extend the waiver thru Friday September 8, 1989.

The crew worked all morning changing out the ADI. By the afternoon, it was decided to do a practice run. It was a great run. But then the unthinkable happened. The left landing gear collapsed during landing. Then the right gear snapped off. I asked JRS what was going through his mind at that time and he responded, “right rudder, right stick, don’t tear the airplane apart.”

September 11, 1989
Tsunami arrived at Reno. The crew had worked day and night working on the sheet metal, changing her engine. JRS flew back to MN to pick up 4 new blades (all within a 24 hour period)
September 11, 1989
Tsunami qualified in the Gold at a speed of 462.015 mph.
September 16, 1989
Tsunami finished in 5th place in the Gold Unlimited with a race speed average of 385.754 M.P.H. The aircraft only finished 7 laps.
1989 – 1990
Tsunami was shipped to Darrell Skurich in CO to have the wings moved back and several other structural changes.
June 1990
Tsunami won the Texas Air Races with a average speed of 420.730 M.P.H.
1987 – 1990

Changes to Tsunami:

  • Construction and refitting of a new vertical stabilizer and rudder built out of magnesium.
  • The horizontal stabilizer and elevator re-built out of magnesium.
  • Ailerons have been reduced in length giving better feel and control at speed.
  • Move the wing aft 9” for better stability.
  • Wing angle of incident changed to ¾ degree.
  • Coolant radiator has been completely redesigned allowing for a better cooling system.
  • Redesigned landing gear retraction system.
  • Oil system changed.
  • Radiator outlet and doors re-engineered for a smoother exit of heated air.
  • Tail wheel lowered allowing a better stance for take-off and landing.
  • Carburetor inlet scoop re-designed for better airflow to engine.
  • The original spray bar and ADI tanks have been replaced with rubber bladders.
  • The net result of all of these modifications is that Tsunami no longer has to carry heavy nose ballast to maintain the proper center of gravity.
August 1990
John Sandberg experienced landing gear failure in Tsunami the Sunday prior to Denver’s race weekend causing major damage to the wings, prop blades (two of the blades napped out of the nose casing) and the tail section.
August 1990
Steve Hinton (Tsunami’s race pilot) was involved in an accident in a Miles Atwood replica. Steve was in a body cast. Skip Holmes took over the controls of Tsunami.
September 1990

On Tsunami's first flight after the gear collapse, the belly scoop disintegrated. There was a rush job at the fiberglass shop for Tsunami to arrive on time at Reno.

Tsunami qualified with a race speed of 465.187 M.P.H. Tsunami took 2nd place in the Gold Unlimited race with a race speed of 462.999 M.P.H

February 1991
JRS tested a new composite prop in the test cell. The prop for Tsunami blew up in the test cell.
June 1991
Tsunami has a new fuel injection program.
July 1991
Tsunami has a new race paint scheme.
September 1991
Tsunami finished third at Reno Air Races changing history for the races when the top three races finished 3.47 seconds of each other. This race still stands today as the fastest pylon race.
September 25, 1991
Tsunami crashes while on final approach to Pierre Municipal Airport in Pierre, South Dakota killing pilot John R. Sandberg. Read the NTSB Report of Tsunami's Crash by clicking here.